Ginga: Basic Breaks and Variations

‘Joga Bonito’… ‘Play beautifully’ …

Want to learn to move with confidence, grace and ease?

Want to improve your Fitness? ‘Ginga’.

Want to improve your Mobility?  ‘Ginga’.

Want to do a handstand? ‘Ginga’.

Want to improve your Yoga flows? ‘Ginga’.

Want to improve your ‘Florieos’? ‘Ginga

Want to have more fun? ‘Ginga

Want to improve your general movement practice?

Say more and learn to ‘Ginga’ !

In this blog we are going to look at some mechanical breaks and variations of ‘Ginga’.

But before we begin a here is little background to provoke thought and inspire you:

‘Joga bonito’ (‘Play beautifully’) was @nikes slogan inspired by the ‘ginga generation’ of Brazillian masters in the art of football who not only inspired the ‘Jogo bonito’ (The beautiful game) but the world with their excellence

Interestingly both terms ‘joga bonito’ and ‘jogo bonito’ are also synonymous with ‘Capoeira’, the tread which binds and crosses over is the concept and philosophy of ’ginga’ 

Most people only come to know ‘Ginga’ at a very superficial and surface level: That as simple step used to learn to play ‘Capoeira’ and though this is partly true, It is also still so far from the whole concept of ‘Ginga’ or to ‘Gingar’.

This is a big shame, why? Because understanding the concept of ‘Ginga’ can inspire and help you transcend the ‘step’ used to play the game into all areas of your moving life! Yes. Your work, health and fitness. Improving the relationship and intimacy that you have with your own body, by developing your body confidence, awareness, co-ordination, mobility and rhythmicality.

So what is this concept of ‘Ginga’ ?

Simply it is to move, movement. To swing. Rock. ‘Ginga’ is the ‘(S)way’ of the body. ‘Ginga’ is that magical, and almost mystical quality personified, embodied then manifested in each individuals style of movement.

The step is in constant motion, movement and flux. With that comes the ‘flow’, non attachment, vision of possibility, flair and creativity, that effortless improvisation and ability to adapt to the moment, circumstance and adversity in harmony and with equanimity.

Yes it sounds great but, what does that actually mean to me?

I hear you.

See it like this ‘Ginga’ translated to your daily exercise would mean, your exercise would no longer be a regimented chore to accomplish but something you truly enjoy to do as you would feel great while doing it, it would be rhythmic, fluid, fun yet challenging, creative, playful and constantly evolving with you.

Need some visual inspiration!? Just look here at the beauty, grace and ease with which ‘Ronaldinho’ (click here) moves compared to others, this is a nice example of ‘Gingando’ (‘Ginga-ing/ness) applied to football

In short the physical practice ‘Ginga’ can improve your overall movement ability and performance from your general mobility, leg and glute strength,‘gait’ mechanics to your ‘motor control’, ‘proprioception’, ‘Kinaesthesia’ ‘sense of force’ and general ability to co-ordinate and command your bodyweight efficiently.

The applied ‘concept’ of ‘Ginga’ maybe something on the lines of this:

Imagine your regimen was to wake up to do 50 press-ups in the morning. ‘Ginga’ translated and added here would mean you may decide to rock side to side and back and forth in plank as you rest between your set. Or you may choose to mix the press-ups in different varieties (plank to fore arm plank as an example). Or you maybe applying different rhythms to the press-ups (one quick, one slow), or you’ll just choose to abandon the idea of doing 50 press-ups completely instead opting to clean the floor of your living room on in the press up position to the music of your choice!

Think about it, Pelé played football bare feet before ‘barefoot’ was fashionable and regarded good for you! He did kick ups with fruit ect. See what I am getting at?

So rather a particular set stance or fixed unbreakable idea, the ‘Ginga’ is that spiralling moving fractal which is in the constant process of evolution to the moment: Organising, disorganising then reorganising what seems to be chaos (or chaotic) into order.

My hope of sharing this knowledge with you is to broaden your vision of not only what it is to ‘Ginga’/Gingar’ but to enlighten you as a practitioner to a realm of infinite possibilities of self expression and inner-quiry as the ‘Ginga’ is usually left overlooked by most in place of Capoeiras ‘floreios’ (soft acrobatics) and flowing floorwork even though it’s not only the movement that which gives that magical ‘quality’ to those others but its is the most ‘transferable’ and cross over movement there is in the art. So applicable and transferable in fact that It’s even considered the ‘Soul’ of Brazilian football so it is no surprise that the ‘Ginga’ of Capoeira and Samba inspired so many amazing athletes above and beyond from Pelé, Garrincha, Romario, Rivaldo, Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Roberto Carlos (dubbed the ‘Ginga generation’), to current footballers like Neymar, Nani, fighters and martial artists like Anderson da Silva, Charles Cobrinha to name a few- All of who have transcended their selected sports into artistry, yes into artists! 

So here is a quick look at the mechanics of this ‘Ginga’ breaks and footwork pattern of 4 movements see if you can spot them!

Prerequisites: Ginga Basics

The prep

1. Ankle pulses. Soft knees. Bend at the Ankles. Spread out your toes press big toes into the ground raising your arches. 

Do x10 

2. Alternate Calf raises. Raise one heel after another. Press the ball of the feet down

Do x10

3. Jumping Split Lunge. Contract both thighs. Press through your feet into the ground. Raising the arch of the front foot. Shoot up pointing feet down land still as you can catching your weight.

Do x10 Both sides

4. Jumping Split lunge (Switch). Same set up as number 3. But switch legs. Land still as you can catching your weight.

Do x 20 

Action: Now put on music of your choice and do a circuit 45sec each exercise 15sec rest. As many as you can with good form.

No3. 45 sec 

No1. For rest 

No4. 45 sec 

No2. For rest  

The Drills 

Drill 1. From Standing feet together, hinge at the hips. Lower torso and apply alternate calf raises. Co-ordinate arms to feet so which ever heel is raised off the floor lets say right, that will also be the arm in front (right)

Do x20

Drill 2. Do as drill 1. To begin. Start by lifting the right heel of the ground and step to the right (Like skating) with the right foot through the ‘parallel’ position to feet together now with the left heel raised. Pulse, Then switch sides.

Do x20

Drill 3. From the leg behind position twist the hip to face the opposing way and squat then twist back to a one legged skater squat.

Do x10 both sides

Drill 4. For this drill you will need a props. 2 yoga bricks and a dowel. Apply Drill 2. with a jump. Making sure to clear the dowel. Land lightly and still at you can each rep.

Do x20

Action: Now put on music of your choice and do a circuit 45sec of each drill with 15sec rest in between. As many as you can with good form.

So there you have it, now Try the full sequence!